Salla Upper Secondary School – more than just an upper secondary school
A communal, participatory and encouraging international upper secondary school.
Salla Upper Secondary School is part of the Municipality of Salla and Salla’s educational services. The vision of Salla Municipality “Salla – far from everything, close to you – together with more vitality” Key strategic priorities for the municipality of Salla:
1. Well-organized and produced welfare services as a strong part of the municipal vitality
2. Salla motivates and supports the participation and influence of people
3. The vitality of the international Salla is based on pure nature and the sustainable use of natural resources
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Dual qualification as an apprenticeship
In addition to general upper secondary studies, Salla Upper Secondary School also offers vocational studies. Education is implemented as a collaboration between Salla Upper Secondary School and Lappia Vocational College. Students can complete a vocational qualification, or parts of a qualification, as an apprenticeship.