Upper secondary school studies at Salla
Salla Upper Secondary School continues its educational role of basic education. General upper secondary education aims to provide comprehensive general knowledge and ability and good readiness for working life and self-development. In addition, it must provide sufficient knowledge and skills for further studies based on the general upper secondary syllabus. These skills and knowledge are measured with a matriculation examination, which is the final examination for general upper secondary studies. Salla Upper Secondary School’s teaching and learning results are nationally and internationally at a high level.
At Salla Upper Secondary School, students prepare a personal study plan, which is updated regularly. In addition, students can monitor their studies’ progress with the help of Wilma and an electronic learning platform.
Internationality is a crucial part of our everyday educational life.
At Salla Upper Secondary School, studies and learning can take place as
- contact teaching,
- independent studies,
- online studies and
- remote studies.
In addition, these study forms can be combined in a suitably considered manner, for example, as blended teaching or hybrid teaching.
Students’ individual progress, personal study paths and development of online study skills are supported by offering students opportunities to complete, for example, higher educational institutions’ studies remotely or online.
Diverse teaching, guidance and study methods are used at Salla Upper Secondary School, which connect to the discipline’s conceptual and methodological skills required in subjects.
Teaching aims to increase experiences and learning environments relevant to learning and enable feelings of success. Teaching takes topicality into account and seeks to meet future challenges.
Salla Upper Secondary School offers high-quality education to students with different linguistic and cultural backgrounds and diverse physical education opportunities. This prepares all students for further studies and other future challenges.